Reflective Writing #9

PIDP 3230 – Assignment 1: Reflection 3   Objective For my third reflective writing assignment I have chosen the difficult subject of assigning participation marks in the classroom. In grading participation, one has to come up with a reliable way of evaluating a student’s performance. For instance, what do we consider participation? Is it actively…

Reflective Writing #8

PIDP 3230 – Assignment 1: Reflection 2   Objective For this assignment, I watched 5 videos of different media enhanced assessment techniques by previous students of PIDP3230. Although many of the videos were excellently done, I’ve chosen to reflect on Victor Law’s video Kahoot! An Informal Assessment Strategy (Oct 2016). In this video, Victor speaks…

Reflective Writing #7

PIDP 3230 – Assignment 1: Reflection 1 Objective For my first reflective writing assignment, I’ve chosen to reflect on one of the Seven Basic Assumptions of Classroom Assessment in Angelo and Cross’ Classroom Assessment Techniques (1993). My reflection will focus on Assumption 7: “By collaborating with colleagues and actively involving students in Classroom Assessment efforts,…