Reflective Writing #3

PIDP 3100 – Assignment 4: Reflection 3 Objective My third reflective writing assignment will be on Jill Bolte Taylorā€™s quote, ā€œwe may think of ourselves as thinking creatures that feel, biologically we are feeling creatures that thinkā€ (Taylor, 2009, p. 17). Here, Taylor is concluding that thinking, a function of the neocortex, is the last…

Report: Interleaving Effect

Introduction This report on cognitive science to enhance instruction will focus on Rohrer, Dedrick, & Burgessā€˜s 2014 study, ā€œThe benefit of interleaved mathematics practice is not limited to superficially similar kinds of problemsā€. Traditionally, when teaching a subject, the subject is broken into small blocks. We instruct students to master solving problems in each smaller…

The benefit of interleaved mathematics…

Doug Rohrer, Robert F. Dedrick, and Kaleena Burgess published an excellent study they performed in 2014 titled, “The benefit of interleaved mathematics practice is not limited to superficially similar kinds of problems”- Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 21, 1323-1330. This study expands on previous studies done by others that proves interleaving works when teaching mathematics, even…

Learning Theory Essay: Cognitivism

Introduction In this essay, I endeavor to identify what I consider to be the most relevant learning theory as it pertains to Electrical Trade Education. Merriam & Bierema (2014) state, ā€œBehaviorism is particularly evident in adult career and technical educationā€¦ Much of adult vocational education is focused on identifying skills needed for specific occupations, [and]…

Reflective Writing #2

PID 3100 – Assignment 4: ReflectionĀ 2 has us reflecting on quotes out of Merriam & Bierema’s Adult Learning – Linking Theory and Practice textbook. I chose myĀ second reflective writing assignment to be on Merriam & Bieremaā€™sĀ quote : ā€œlearning from oneā€™s experience involves not just reflection, but critical reflectionā€ (p. 117) Below is the full text…

Implications of Trends

PID 3100 – Assignment 2: Post #2 – Implications In my previousĀ post I introduced you to the two trends in adult education Iā€™ll be writing on. Iā€™d like to first focus on the Implications of Technology use in Adult Education. From the Instructor Technology use by the Instructor has increased dramatically. Instead of seeking guidance…

Reflective Writing #1

PID 3100 – Assignment 4: Reflection 1 has us reflecting on quotes out of Merriam & Bierema’s Adult Learning – Linking Theory and Practice textbook. I chose my first reflective writing assignment to be on Rogers’ quote: “an educated person is one who has learned how to learn…how to adapt and change.” (p.31) Below is…